We came to Hong Kong at the end of the year, so off course, we’re going to spend New Year’s Eve in Hong Kong!
I’ve heard that fire works will be shot in the sky, and that made me exciting😆
We’ve just stayed at the hotel along the harbor in Hung Hom, and my husband’s colleage told us that we can look the fireworks at the promenade in front of the hotel, so we shoud go there!
We headed to that promenade at 11:45p.m., then many people were also heading to the same way, so we followed them for now haha
There were also a few police officers for patrolling.
At that time, that promenade was on construction so there were only few places where we could survey till Hong Kong Island, though we could finally find a good place to watch it!
We could see some words and illustrations were lighting up on buildings in Hong Kong Island, and there were one building which shows the word “2023”.
It’s not 2023 yet😂 Anyway, we were waiting for the New Year’s countdown moment, then the number of countdown showed on the building one minute before the New Year..
People around us began countdown in Cantonese for the New Year ten seconds before!
That’s different from Japan because people might wait quietly in Japan, so I was having so fun time🤭
After all, it’s the moment of the New Year! A lot of fireworks were set off🎆
Happy New Year!!

Although, it was different from what I expected… I thought fireworks were like poping in the sky, but it was just like radiating out.. Honestly, there wasn’t totally a big scall as I thought..😂
Fireworks have continued for five minutes and other people are starting to leave lol
But perhaps, a big one would be shot off at the last.. Gradually the speed of the shooting got fast, and then finished it😂
I didn’t researched about the fireworks in advance, so I knew it after it that the fireworks of the New Year’s Eve had been called off due to the Corona virus and it was held in the first time for a long time, so fireworks were supposed to be more large scale.
I want to look a original big fireworks sometime!
So many people were gathered than we expected, so we were going back to our Hotel, but it was hard to move from there💦
It seemed that a street to enter the promenade was closed because of too many people, so it was good to came here a bit earlier!
I have never spent a New Year’s Eve outside in Japan, and I always watched Kohaku-Utagassen, Yukutoshi-Kurutoshi and Johnny’s Countdown on TV so it was a shame I couldn’t do it, though while I am in foriegn country, spending New Year’s Eve like this is also nice😊
By the way, from the end of the year to the Lunar New Year, so many buildings will be lighted up a New Year’s greeting such as「新年快樂」(have a great New Year)and「恭賀發財」(Happy New Year) in many places in Hong Kong😊
It is one of a good point of Hong Kong to see a beautiful decorations like this😌